Day 37 - Capri

Decided to buy an online tour to go to Capri - transport plus lunch 112 euros.

Nana Hadley always talked about the island of Capri so I had to go see it; unfortunately I can’t remember in what context but I think she had a friend that moved there or something.  All’s I remember is that we had some lovely holidays in Italy when I was a child (in the days before continental travel was widely heard of).  We would drive in convoy, Nana and Poppa in the Dormabile (it was a treat to ride in the Dormabile - so us kids had to take turns with our cousins), my aunts and uncles on my Dads side and our cousins in our respective cars (ours was a light blue Ford Poplar); all across France and Switzerland into Italy - as a kid in the 60’s it was a great adventure.

Anyway, hence Capri had an attraction for me ..... and a million other tourists - crikey, was it busy!  Beautiful island so I’ll let the pictures talk for themselves but seen once I don’ think I’ll be going back as too many people.  I can imagine that the locals leave the island in the high season or don’t come out of their homes until the last of the day-trippers has left in the evening.

Dinner was a packet of crisps and a glass of wine whilst I packed for Pisa.  I’m in a bit of a dilemma has have a ticket flying out of Pisa on the 27th but don’t want to spend the next 7 days there so researching around the area - Cinque Terra would be great but the accomodation available isn’t so good so think that may be out of the picture.  I’ll let you know what I decide - getting to crunch time now.  Addios Napoli.


  1. Well at least you have scratched my Capri itch for me and I don't need to bother if a tourist trap

  2. I remember the Dormabile I was recently reminded of it in the film ‘Finding Your Feet’ and When I was a kid I thought you must be rich as you went to Italy for your hols and we went to the Isle of Sheppey.


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