Days 40 through 44 - Last stop before heading home - Siena
To be able to properly visit Tuscany, and not just pass through, has always been an ambition of mine; so after much deliberation I just had to head for Siena, which is the beating heart of the region. Siena is roughly equidistant from Pisa in the west and Florence in the east so a lovely place to call a base if you want to do some exploring. Although I must admit after 6 weeks of cities and constant movement, all’s I want to do is chill for a few days with some gorgeous scenary, fabulous food and the worlds best wines (strictly my own opinion and that of every person who lives in Tuscany of course!). Imagine - brilliant sunshine, terracotta roof tops, a walled old town (which is a maze of narrow streets and piazzas); the pageantry of the Contradas (districts) who practice for the big event ( The Palio ) during the week leading up to one of Siena biggest festivals of the year (so big they like to do it twice - July and August); numerous Chi...