Day 38 - Adios Napoli, Ciao Pisa

Train travel in Italy is relatively cheap in comparison with the UK and the trains are clean and fast.

I was expecting Pisa to be rough but it’s really lovely.  I booked a hotel that was just under a km from the train station so walked it.  Immediately the Tuscan traits were visible - yellow, orange and pink coloured buildings with green shutters looking splendid in the sun-light hiding little secret courtyards behind.  My hotel is down a side street which runs parallel to the main shopping street so nice and easy to find.  Inside all the walls are painted with murals showing scenes around Pisa, so beautifully done.

Did the usual wander around the streets before dinner to get my bearings.  Walked along the river, they like canoeing here as plenty of people out on canoes - some serious and having a race, others just bumbling around with some bloke in a little speed boat trying to ensure that they stay on the right side of the river - lol, he had a job on his hands with some!

I wandered into this tiny church and thought “oh, they must have had a meeting in here as they have left the chairs in a right mess” then I turned and saw that it was actually an art installation by some artist called Michaelangelo Pistorelli - haha.  Good job I didn’t try and tidy it up a bit!!

Went to a restaurant local to the hotel  and down some back streets, nowhere near any other commercial life but it was a lovely little gem.  

In the hotel between 6 and 9 they do wine tasting with nibbles of the region and, even though I had just eaten the most gorgeous meal, as I got back just a smidge before 9 I had to partake - oh dear, life is so demanding!!!

Loving Pisa.


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