
Showing posts from June, 2018

Days 40 through 44 - Last stop before heading home - Siena

To be able to properly visit Tuscany, and not just pass through,  has always been an ambition of mine; so after much deliberation I just had to head for Siena, which is the beating heart of the region.  Siena is roughly equidistant from Pisa in the west and Florence in the east so a lovely place to call a base if you want to do some exploring.  Although I must admit after 6 weeks of cities and constant movement, all’s I want to do is chill for a few days with some gorgeous scenary, fabulous food and the worlds best wines (strictly my own opinion and that of every person who lives in Tuscany of course!).     Imagine - brilliant sunshine, terracotta roof tops, a walled old town (which is a maze of narrow streets and piazzas); the pageantry of the Contradas (districts) who practice for the big event ( The Palio ) during the week leading up to one of Siena biggest festivals of the year (so big they like to do it twice - July and August); numerous Chi...

Day 39 - Pisa

As with all good tourists in Pisa, today was the Leaning Tower day. Had breakfast in the hotel, which was great as had scrambled eggs.  You know, I never thought I would say this but the Italians love a bit of cake for breakfast and I’m sick of it.  It was really nice to have some cereal, yoghurt and eggs. So fully satisfied I headed for the Tower.  Went out onto the main shopping street and wandered along  window gazing; which is dangerous as I soon found a shop that I couldn’t resist popping into and 1/2 hour later walked out with a new dress.  Now bearing in mind that my backpack is really heavy and bulging at the seams, I really shouldn’t buy even a wafer thin mint, but its only a little dress and will fit into a tiny corner - lol. Continued up the street further than I should so had to work out a new route to the tower and was wandering with my head in the map and looked up - there it was, totally taking me by surprise, the tower in all it’s glory. ...

Day 38 - Adios Napoli, Ciao Pisa

Train travel in Italy is relatively cheap in comparison with the UK and the trains are clean and fast. I was expecting Pisa to be rough but it’s really lovely.  I booked a hotel that was just under a km from the train station so walked it.  Immediately the Tuscan traits were visible - yellow, orange and pink coloured buildings with green shutters looking splendid in the sun-light hiding little secret courtyards behind.  My hotel is down a side street which runs parallel to the main shopping street so nice and easy to find.  Inside all the walls are painted with murals showing scenes around Pisa, so beautifully done. Did the usual wander around the streets before dinner to get my bearings.  Walked along the river, they like canoeing here as plenty of people out on canoes - some serious and having a race, others just bumbling around with some bloke in a little speed boat trying to ensure that they stay on the right side of the river - lol, he had a job on ...

Day 37 - Capri

Decided to buy an online tour to go to Capri - transport plus lunch 112 euros. Nana Hadley always talked about the island of Capri so I had to go see it; unfortunately I can’t remember in what context but I think she had a friend that moved there or something.  All’s I remember is that we had some lovely holidays in Italy when I was a child (in the days before continental travel was widely heard of).  We would drive in convoy, Nana and Poppa in the Dormabile (it was a treat to ride in the Dormabile - so us kids had to take turns with our cousins), my aunts and uncles on my Dads side and our cousins in our respective cars (ours was a light blue Ford Poplar); all across France and Switzerland into Italy - as a kid in the 60’s it was a great adventure. Anyway, hence Capri had an attraction for me ..... and a million other tourists - crikey, was it busy!  Beautiful island so I’ll let the pictures talk for themselves but seen once I don’ think I’ll be going back as too man...